Phillips Lake Community Association
Meeting Minutes
Pickering Road Fire Station
July 13, 2024
Ed started the meeting by reminding the attendees of the purpose and mission of the association. The board had a swag table set up for the first time this year and everyone is encouraged to contact the board if they would like to purchase hats, t-shirts, or sweatshirts. The treasures report was given. A review of the years activities around the lake and then the guest speakers and board members discussed items of interest.
Association Purpose
- To be a non-governing group to serve and inform the community surrounding Phillips Lake
- To provide lake safety and safeguard water quality
- To foster social and community activities
- To enhance and protect our environment
- To further interaction of Association Membership
Review of Year Activities
- Maintain the Phillips Lake Community Web Site
- Sent periodic e-mails addressing items of importance and general interest
- Water Sampling
- Opening Fishing Day Cider Cruise
- Lake entrance sign messages – Thanks Janet
- Support for the annual boat parade – 42 boats
- 4th of July Races – Big Success!
- Support for Trunk and Treat
- Support for Community Garage Sale
Guest Speakers
Sheriff’s Office – Ryan Spurling
- Seeing more community involvement, which is great.
- Need more community block watch, previous person pushing this has retired.
- Emphasized that everything that seems off should be called in. The call data is used to support police department funding and where to allocate resources in the area.
- Marine Patrol is funded by boat registrations – so make sure your boats are registered in Mason County.
- If you have two homes, try to have someone in your household registered in both counties to insure your voice is heard.
- First bear siting on the lake recently, any other sighting, please call Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW). Reducing garbage cans being out by the road can help.
- Is there a noise ordinance? Yes, but not well written and hard to enforce. Talk to Commissioner.
- First Thursday of every month the Sheriff is at Spencer Lake Bar & Grill for a breakfast open discussion and often brings guest speakers, please feel free to join.
Fire Department – Deputy Chief Jeff Snyder
- Impressed with our community involvement – the largest in attendance and participation of other communities.
- The department now have 60 staff, thank you for your support. Merger with Grapeview fire department and Central Mason benefits us by additional staffing and backup from Grapeview.
- Engine 57 now is a dedicated unit that does not leave the fire district. First time in history which keeps it more
centralized and improves response time for us. And additional back up again from Grapeview. - Non-Emergency Line 360-426-5533 but if in doubt call 911
- This year was low call volume for July 4th, a good year people followed the rules and low wind.
Fire Department – Deputy Chief Greg Yates
- Burn ban can be complicated and confusing. Partial burn ban started on 4th of July. As of this Wed the 10th total burn ban only propane grill and pellet burners (no charcoal) but no open fires or outdoor burning at all. Be careful.
Board Member Reports
- Jim – when surfing with a big wake please stay to the middle of lake.
- Connie – Let us know if you want to be added to the email distribution list and/or Facebook group.
- Dwain – Boat launch/access park update – only the state seems to be doing maintenance and local neighbors
helping with garbage, thank you! We have conflicting times to open/close the gate from the state and county.
Coming next spring is a new sign – more prominent, bigger, in multiple languages, and seeking to have a
common open and close time. Please share questions and thoughts/feedback/comments to share with WSFW.
Next year Spencer Lake parking lot will be improved and access area including access for those with disabilities.- Suggestion – research regulations for swimming near boat launch.
- Suggestion – Sign at boat launch to take out your garbage needs to be more prominent.
- Bill – We have a county park next to the boat launch. Could we have the county donate the park to the State
which would require a Discovery Park? We will research but think the area was donated to the County to be a
park. - Ron – Postponing the water quality test to later in the summer when there has been more activity when it’s
more meaningful.
General Business / Discussion
- Speed limit around the lake – 25 mph, please slow down.
- Investigate what the suds are at times in the lake, boat launch or other coves.
- Landscapers leave their card in little bags around the lake. Call them to say stop littering or pick them up.
- Community little library is going up next weekend by the entrance sign entrance. Thank you, Jackie.
- Big leaf pondweed. We have been looking into, Ron called the county and state. Answer was that it is a native
plant that is good for the environment. But there are options –- Herbicide – (must have company licensed and it must be permitted). Susan Friedlander contacted other lakes on the Herbicide option – $10-15k to do and lasts 5 years she has half the money already raised. Safe and doesn’t hurt fish, etc. and most other lakes in our area do it.
- Pull by Hand – or can pull by hand (may only do in your areas of swimming or watercraft) and should get all the way to the root.
- Reminder from Janae to rinse your boats is you are in other waters before putting back in our lake.
- Board is considering moving the meeting to before July 4th, earlier in the summer may be more productive.
- Emergency Contact list – especially for winter pipes break, storms etc. for those not full time. Please send
phone number if you would like to be added to the list. - Motion and second to donate $200 to Fire and $200 to Sheriff’s office – Motion unanimously approved
- Bill brought up a roundabout at Hwy 3 and Pickering is due to go in a couple of years from now. He asked if an emergency gravel access road to Mason road could go in at that time as well.
Association Officers and Board Members
- President: New President this year – Dwain Friedlander. Thank you Ed for you dedication over the years.
- Secretary: Connie Carroll
- Board Members: The following board members were re-elected:
- Edwin Valbert (Joined board after resigning from President position).
- Bob Sutphin
- Janae Lord
Local Websites / Social Media Sites
- Phillips Lake Association Website – (under construction with a new host but will
- be up and running soon)
- Facebook – Phillips Lake Community (Shelton)
- – Phillips Lake Shelton, WA